‘O for ten years, that I may overwhelm
Myself in poesy…’
John Keats
Well, since you do not have ten years, let’s get practical.
The following websites will provide you with invaluable resources to deepen your knowledge of poetry, but remember that nothing beats sitting down with a collection of poems, a pencil and a notepad and start reading them aloud, to catch what I mean in class by the « beat » of a given poem.
- For Better for Verse
- The Harvard Poetry Classroom
- The Poetry Foundation
- Milton’s works
- The American Poetry Society
- The Poetry Exchange is a great resource, where people from all walks of life read the poem they see as their "friend" and discuss it; each episode is about 20 minutes. A great way to open your ears and your hearts to the beauty of poetry!
And this year’s author can be glimpsed here.