This page is designed as a landfall page for all your English-related needs in 1SUPC.
For the Spé Anglais, you have a dedicated space here.
The littérature tronc commun page will carry some resources and texts we will be looking at.
We meet every Monday at 12 pm for our unseen class (cours de version) and every Wednesday at 10 am for our 2-hour combined unseen and literature class.
The syllabus will cover a selection of fiction and non-fiction prose from 1802 onwards drawn from the whole corpus of Anglophone literature.
You are expected to come to class prepared, as I take a very dim view of homework left undone...
Preparation includes :
- Reading the passage set for the week and making sure you understand it.
- Doing the assigned translation.
- Adding the words you've discovered to you vocabulary notebook.
- Reading about the author (biography or a little lit. crit. in the Norton Anthology for instance).